... is a method used for acoustic monitoring to localize the pack. It is simple - it doesn’t require any exceptional abilities or equipment. The biggest chance of hearing them is in the Summer, in their breeding season. So here we are, in the middle of the forest at dusk, howling together. They respond. The mesmerizing, pristine dialogue continues. For many persons it is a deep, enriching experience.
One researcher breaks down in tears.
- From Volunteer Testimonials
It is a taboo species. Secrets, facts and legends intertwin in the history of interaction between wolves and humans. Cursed by farmers, worshipped by hunter-gatherers, feared by children, followed by naturalists. This labirynth of contradictions is difficult to navigate. How is it like for real?
The conflict between humans and wolves killing the livestock is as old as the history of pastoralism itself. Throughout the ages shepherd communities have developed ways to protect their animals, choosing suitable breeds and guarding them effectively, reducing losses to the minimum. However, modern livestock breeds and practices are different, making farm animals an attractive prey. Therefore wolves became a number one enemy, which was exasperated by folklore, prejudices and media. The hunter became the prey.
In Poland after WWII high prizes were offered for killing a wolf or its cubs. Wolves were also poisoned using strychnine and luminal. As a consequence, in 1973 there were only 100 specimens left in the entire country. Nowadays, because of increased understanding of their importance in the ecosystems, they are a protected species, recovering from the brink of extinction and doing well. However, an uncertain future awaits. There are still many questions to answer and many myths to address.
The remedy for hatred is knowledge. By studying wolf ecology we aim to prevent human-wildlife conflict that may arise with expansion of this species. We collect data, installing camera traps, taking fur and dropping samples, tracking, howling and trapping wolves to equip them with telemetric collars. Information and dialogue is the key, but a wolf can’t speak for itself. It is our job.
What do we get in return? Fresh tracks on the snow. Summer howling concerts. A bit of fur on a twig. Droppings. Remains of prey. Or a rare sighting of a wolf itself. It stops by, alert and curious. You stop as well. It observes you. Sniffs the air. And fades away. Like a ghost. In a perfect silence.
This is it. The moment worth living for.
- What will I do?
In this edition of our fieldwork we will use camera traps. Working in pairs, we will install them in chosen points and collect them back later.
It is essential to be fit – we will walk around 6-10 km a day in a difficult, swampy areas without any paths.
When we reach the destination, we will select a suitable tree, install the camera facing North and calibrate it to know the distance to the chosen orientation spots.
Then, using your smartphone, you will take the photo of the area as seen on the trap display and mark the exact final location on GPS.
We will also set up traps to catch wolves and equip them with telemetric collars. If we are lucky and a wolf gets captured, there will be a lot of work associated, including following it after the collaring is done, looking for traces of its activity and taking samples.
You don’t have to be an expert in camera trapping – the training will be provided!
Our certified hands-on course covers camera trapping but also other research methods, including basics of tracking and telemetry.
We will explore various camera trap types, models and brands together with their uses as well as limitations. We will learn about their construction, conservation and functionality.
Apart from the hardware, we will also focus on the software for processing the images and management of records, as well as application of Artificial Intelligence for those purposes.
We will learn what happens with the data afterwards, in a wider context. We will discuss its importance in wildlife monitoring and management.
- Where will I stay?
We will stay in a cosy house at the rural outskirts of a small town called Skarzysko-Kamienna, in Swietokrzyskie county. The nearest airports are Warsaw, Lublin and Radom.
The conditions are basic but comfortable. We have a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with a hot shower and a fireplace.There’s also an access to the electricity and Internet available via WiFi. Outside we have a garden with a space for sunbathing or a bonfire.
- What's in it for me?
Boost your CV with our Certificate of Participation!
We offer HANDS-ON intensive exchange of specialist theriological knowledge and HANDS-ON experience in field research abroad, especially important for Students, Conservation Professionals and Wildlife Lovers.
Gain much more than a „formal” qualification!
We offer deep contact with Living Science, 24 hours a day! You can reconnect with rhythms of Nature and transform your life through Work. You will have an opportunity to make lifelong friends with inspiring, likeminded people. You will experience invaluable and refreshing international, intercultural exchange. You will gain unforgettable memories.
- What are the costs?
- The project contribution is £550 for 10 days and it covers accommodation, food and transport within the project, starting from the pickup from the meeting point. It also covers our high-quality field training confirmed by the Certificate of Participation.
29.05 - 07.06.2024
TO APPLY: send an email to Joanna at info@wildareas.net and introduce yourself in few words, explaining why you are interested in the Project and why we should choose YOU as a Participant.
Enclose your filled in Application Form that you can download from the top of this page.
You can send your CV too - we are proud of our Volunteers and would love to know more about you!
If you have any questions or doubts, we are here to help: wildareas@gmail.com, info@wildareas.net