Focus on Wolves

How many things can happen in 10 DAYS???
Yes, we know that we remained silent for long, but it's a challenge to produce a concise, short summary of what has just happened here - a vibrant kaleidoscope of events, experiences and impressions!
People of 3 nationalities were working in Puszcza Swietokrzyska forest to research and protect local population of Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) with Polish Academy of Sciences, SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund and Wild Areas Network.
We were installing camera traps to monitor the condition of population, record wolf pups and analyze wolf behaviour. We also collected trail cameras deployed here before by the previous group of Volunteers.
Participants completed our training that covered navigation through a difficult, variable terrain using GPS, magnetic compass and maps. They also learned how to install, conserve and callibrate various types of trail cameras. We also had a very hands-on course on telemetry, including usage of telemetric collars and the antenna. Everbody found a collar producing a signal, that was previously hidden in the forest.
After a day in the field we had lots of fun watching the recordings and learning more about wolf ecology during lectures. Professor Roman shared his tales and his lifelong experience in bear and wolf research in Poland and USA, where, as a student, he worked for an environmental agency, hand in hand with local trappers, biologists and foresters. We had numerous enriching discussions about the role of wolves in ecosystems and interactions that are triggered by this species. Human-wildlife conflicts. Perspectives for rewildling and reintroduction of large carnivores in UK and beyond.
During the night we were howling with wolves, hopig that they will respond and we can localize the pack. Unfortunately they remained silent - they are most vocally active in the middle of the Summer. Anyway, a group howling is one-of-a-kind experience itself! 😃
During evening bonfires we shared reflections about the sense of wildlife conservancy and its various, dynamic, ever-changing faces. About limitations and challenges of Wildlife-related programmes at Polish and foreign universities. And finally, about our common goal to pass the Curiosity and Passion forward.
PS. Next edition of the project in late November!!