Bird Ringing Camp Volunteering!

It's the time to sum up our Bird Ringing Camp!
The weather was magnificent, just like in Summer. We didn't have a lot of birds, but they variability was quite impressive. We have captured a Nightjar, long-eared owl, bearded tits, yellowhammer, red backed shrike, chifchaffs, robins, chaffinches, rosefinches, reed warblers, wood pigeon and cuckoo to name a few.
However, our camps are way more than birds - they're equally about People.
Dorothea shared her very niche and rewarding experience from China and Tibet that was her home and workplace for quite a long time when she was a tour guide there.
Alex - who is an astrophysicist - gave us lectures about stars and space. He even told us how to deploy a satellite!
Adam shared his knowledge about Esperanto language and his numerous travels.
Rachael and Lewis have seen everything on their wish list, including beavers, red squirrel, adders and long-eared owl that they encountered on their very first night patrol.
Lewis was eager to learn as much as possible because he's training to be a ringer, which is a very enriching mission for his retirement. We are happy to help him achieve his goal!
Thank you, beautiful People, for co-creating this project. Without your support nothing would be possible. Remember that you are always welcome on all our camps!