Bird Ringing Camps - Latest Impressions

We've successfully finished Spring Season 2017, organizing Operation Baltic Bird Ringing Camps on the wild Baltic Seashore in Poland. We hosted Participants from all over UK. Many thanks to Salford University Graduates, BTO Trainees and a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Officer that took part in our Adventure.
We encountered wild boars, red squirrels, pine martens and we had wonderful direct contact with various birds from different systematic groups, including nightjars, long-eared owls, buzzards, sparrowhawks, shrikes, siskins, rosefinches, long-tailed tits and more. Under endlessly dark, starry sky we swapped stories from the Amazon, Borneo, Oman, Panama and other magical destinations.
We would like to thank each and every Volunteer. You have given us the most precious thing one can give - your Time and Passion. Special Thanks to Jo, Natasha, Sarah, Michael and Helen! You are always welcome on all our camps.